divendres, 3 de desembre del 2010
diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2010
In 2009 Compete.com named Facebook as the most visited social network by worldwide monthly active users, followed by Myspace.com.
Now, almost everybody has got Facebook, people from all ages. It became so famous because someone has started to use this social network and then much people began to create an accound too. Nowadays, I don't know anyone who doesn't have Facebook. I think that it became so famous because everyone wants to have one account for not to be different as the others.
On this webpage you can include all your personal dates and photos of you, one thing that could be dangerous. Many people now are very addicted to Facebook, some of them are all the day in front of the computer. In my opinion this is a disadvantage of the webpage. I have to admit that I'm a little bit addicted to facebook, and that sometimes I'm in front of the computer but I should be studying.

NEWS: Terrorists allegedly want to attack the Reichstag in Berlin.
I think it's a terrible thing, I hope that this attacks will never happen and that all that is a mistake. I don't understand the people who want to hurt other people, I hope that one day the wars will desappear and that all the world lives in peace.

Oral presentation: HISTORY OF GOOGLE.
Good morning, we are Kim and Anna and today we are going to explain the history of Google.
At first we are going to explain you how developed Google since it appeared until today. Then the second part of our presentation will be to show you the different services of Google that have appeared during the years.
I am going to start with the history of Google.
In 1995 two students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who at this time were 23 and 24 years old, went together on the university of Stanford.
Some months later they started to work together on a “Digital Library Project”. Larry Page had experiences on web design and he had the title of electric engineer, and Sergey Brin had experiences in maths and informatics. During they were working on this project, they had the idea to create a web page where people can search and find information about what they like.
In 1996 they started to create a search program called “BackRub” and later, in 1997 it transformed to Google. They changed the name because the name “Google” is similar to the word “googol”, that in english means “ten elevated to hundred”. They put this name because because you can find milions and milions of pages.
Brin and Page presented their technology to the college and this was the responsible to contact with various Internet companies that might be interested in Google.
Brin and Page recibed a lot of different offerts of companies but they didn’t like any of them, so they decided to create their own company.
From this moment, Google developed into a famous web page. Brin and Page had to buy a lot of new hard drives because every day they had more pages to add into Google. They didn’t find any financier for their company so they had to borrow money from their family and some friends. Meanwhile they left the project of the university.
In the summer of 1998 Brin and Page met Andy Bechtolsheim and they signed a check of 100.000 (hundred thousand) dolars. And some months later they did another check like the first, but for the new company “Google Inc”.
“Google Inc” got to win some more milions of dolars. Google received ten thousand visits for day. The magazine 'PC Magazine' includes it in the list "Top 100 Web Sites', in 1998.
On the website 'About Google' are many references on everything related to Google, the 3 people working at the time, everyone who was helping them, the software and hardware used, collaborations, ...
In 1999, they contracted eight people to work in their company, they received 500.000 visits for day, they moved to other offices and signed his first commercial contract with RedHat, which begins to provide the Linux operating system of Google’s servers.
Today Google is the most visited web page and every person in this world knows what it means and what it’s about when we say Google.
When they became famous and rich, Google decided to create some new sub-services like Google Maps, Google Books and Google Earth.
Now we are going to show you this three sub-services of Google.
GOOGLE MAPS: Google maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google. It offers street maps, a route planner for traveling by foot, car, or public transport and an urban business locator for numerous countries around the world. Google Maps satellite images are not in real time; they are several years old. It’s a free service, all the world can use it.
There are a lot of other services refeared to this idea, for example Google Mars, google sky, google maps for mobile, etc.
GOOGLE BOOKS: Google Books is a service from Google that searches the full text of books that Google has scanned. So every person can access at this page and read his favourite book online.
GOOGLE EARTH: Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program that was originally called EarthViewer 3D. It is very similar to google maps.It shows the Earth with images obtained from a satellite in 3D. A lot of people use it every day to find the right way.
In conclusion, we can see that Google is a very rich and famous online company that has developed very much during the years and also has created a lot of new sub-services that every day become more famous. All the people in this world know and use this service daily.
A ring from Tiffany.
The title of the book is "A ring from Tiffany" and the author is Lauren Weisberger who also wrote the famous book "The devil wears Prada".
Argument of the book:
Three best friends, two goals and one year.. to find the big luck!
Emmy, Leigh and Adriana are best friends and inseparable. But also they are very different: Adriana is a real vamp, Emmy dreams about a man and children, and vor Leight the most important thing is her work. As Emmy is abandoned by her boyfriend, she decides to change her life completely and during one year she plungs into erotic adeventures. Infected by Emmy, also Adriana wants to change her life. She proposes herself to pursue an engagement ring. And also Leights life changes quickly as she met the charismatic Jesse Chapman. Although she just recived a marriage proposal from her boyfriend.
I really liked this book, it's a very funny and romantic comedy. It was very easy to read because the author wrote it in easy words, and also the topic was interesting because there appear some problems that teenager girls sometimes have, so it was really funny.
I recommend you this book when you like girl stories. :-)
dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2010
NEWS: Prince William and Kate Widdleton announce their wedding
After an eight years relationship, the 18th of November, Prince William of England and Kate Middleton announced that they will marry.
The Royal British House reported on the morning the commitment of the older son of Charles of England and the second in line of succession of the Crown, and summoned to the press a brief meeting with the couple celebrated eight hours later.
The couple walked past the photographers very happy at their upcoming wedding which will be celebrated in spring or summer in 2011.
The wedding will coincide with the 30th anniversary of Prince Charles and Diana of Gales.
Prince William gave Kate the same ring which was wearing his mother: a ring designed by Garrard Joyeros with 14 little diamantes.
I’m very happy to hear this news, because I like it a lot when famous couples marry. Especially when it’s a couple of the Royal house, because almost always we can see it on television and always this types of wedding are very romantic and very traditional.
I’m also happy because now princes can marry who they like, I mean they can marry a “normal” woman, so it’s not necessary that it has to be a woman from a Royal house. I’m very happy for the two that finally they decided to marry.
Hi everybody! Today I’m going to talk about one of my dreams that became true. The last summer I went to New York, United States, with my sister and my cousin for one week. It has always been my dream to travel to this big and famous city. So, in August it became true.
We arrived in New York very tired from the jet lack but also we were very inquisitive, so we decided to left our baggage in the hotel and go to visit a little bit the city. At night, we arrived at the hotel and we decided to inspect it from the top to the bottom. We realized that it wasn’t a five star hotel, but it was OK. We were so tired that we immediately fall asleep. I think that I never had sleep so deep.
The next days we always woke up very early to deploy the day. Every morning we were walking through the streets to find a beautiful café for having breakfast. Almost always we went to Starbucks. During the five days we have visited a lot of things, like the Empire State, the liberty statue, the Time Square, the Broadway, the Ground Zero, the Central Park, etc.
Also we did two routes with a double Decker bus through Manhattan, and I find it very good. It was very relaxing only sitting in the bus and see all the things without moving. We were very tired because the last days we walked a lot. One thing I find not good organized is the public transport. There aren’t much bus stations and underground stations, so you have to walk a lot to find one. We find it very annoying because when we were very tired we had to take a taxi and it was very expensive. In New York are more taxis than normal cars.
So we think that after five days in this big city was enough and we agreed that it’s a very beautiful city to go to holidays, but not to live because it was very stressful.
On the sixth day we rent a car and we went to the Niagara Falls, eight hours from New York. We had one hotel on the frontier to Canada. So the next day we took the car and drove to Canada to visit the famous falls. One thing I find strange was that as we still were in the USA the landscape was dirty and grey and as we drove to the other side (that only were 100 meter of difference), to Canada, the landscape was very beautiful. It was very green with a lot of trees and flowers. It was very heavy that it could be a so big difference between the two countries.
In conclusion, I find it a very good holiday and I would do it another time if I could. Of course there were also some bad moments, but the most important is that I have fulfilled my dream with the people I love at my side.
divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010
I really liked it because it is a very different film from the others and we had to think hard to understand everything, because some scenes were very difficult and complicated.
I say that it’s a different film because normally all the films have a history that at the beginning of the film shows the beginning of the history, and at the end of the film the end of the history. But “Memento” is in reverse order. There are two different sequences of scenes, a series in black-and-white that are shown chronologically, and a series of color sequences shown in reverse order. The two sequences "meet" at the end of the film, producing one common story. All the film goes backwards, so at the begining of the film we already know who is the killer, but during the film we discover how the protagonist discover this secret.
A problem is that the protagonist, Leonard, has amnesia and that he can’t remember the things happened to him the day before. So, it is very difficult to find the killer of his wife. To solve this problem he makes tattoos on his body, so that at the end of the film his body is full of it. And also he makes photos of all the things and at the back he writes somes notes refeared to the picture.
The argument is very difficult, so I think that to understand it better and to see all the little details, you have to watch it twice. But I think that it’s a very good film, I liked it a lot.
divendres, 15 d’octubre del 2010
dilluns, 27 de setembre del 2010
Expectations of my future
In my case, I have thought about it many times, but I'm still not sure what I want to do in my life.
First of all my objective is to finish my research project and get a very good mark. Then the next goal is to pass second of Batxillerat with all the subjects passed. After having fulfilled these two objectives, I'll do the selectivity. So, the pourpose for this last year in school is that I'm going to study very hard.
After finishing school, maybe I'll do a Gap year. One idea is to travel to Malaysia for four or five months. The brother of my father's girlfriend lives there, and he offered me to stay at his house. In my opinion I think that it will be a good experience for me because I can learn a lot of things and improve my English.
My dream job is to become a photographer, but I know that it will be very difficult to get this dream, because a lot of people want to have this job. For that reason, I think I'm going to go to the college and study a good career. One I would study is „Translation and Interpretation“, but I still don't know at which university, maybe here in Barcelona or maye I'll go to Germany.
But I refuse to give up to become a photographer, maybe I'll follow this dream when I'll have finished my career, because there is no excuse for not try.