Good morning, we are Kim and Anna and today we are going to explain the history of Google.
At first we are going to explain you how developed Google since it appeared until today. Then the second part of our presentation will be to show you the different services of Google that have appeared during the years.
I am going to start with the history of Google.
In 1995 two students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who at this time were 23 and 24 years old, went together on the university of Stanford.
Some months later they started to work together on a “Digital Library Project”. Larry Page had experiences on web design and he had the title of electric engineer, and Sergey Brin had experiences in maths and informatics. During they were working on this project, they had the idea to create a web page where people can search and find information about what they like.
In 1996 they started to create a search program called “BackRub” and later, in 1997 it transformed to Google. They changed the name because the name “Google” is similar to the word “googol”, that in english means “ten elevated to hundred”. They put this name because because you can find milions and milions of pages.
Brin and Page presented their technology to the college and this was the responsible to contact with various Internet companies that might be interested in Google.
Brin and Page recibed a lot of different offerts of companies but they didn’t like any of them, so they decided to create their own company.
From this moment, Google developed into a famous web page. Brin and Page had to buy a lot of new hard drives because every day they had more pages to add into Google. They didn’t find any financier for their company so they had to borrow money from their family and some friends. Meanwhile they left the project of the university.
In the summer of 1998 Brin and Page met Andy Bechtolsheim and they signed a check of 100.000 (hundred thousand) dolars. And some months later they did another check like the first, but for the new company “Google Inc”.
“Google Inc” got to win some more milions of dolars. Google received ten thousand visits for day. The magazine 'PC Magazine' includes it in the list "Top 100 Web Sites', in 1998.
On the website 'About Google' are many references on everything related to Google, the 3 people working at the time, everyone who was helping them, the software and hardware used, collaborations, ...
In 1999, they contracted eight people to work in their company, they received 500.000 visits for day, they moved to other offices and signed his first commercial contract with RedHat, which begins to provide the Linux operating system of Google’s servers.
Today Google is the most visited web page and every person in this world knows what it means and what it’s about when we say Google.
When they became famous and rich, Google decided to create some new sub-services like Google Maps, Google Books and Google Earth.
Now we are going to show you this three sub-services of Google.
GOOGLE MAPS: Google maps is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google. It offers street maps, a route planner for traveling by foot, car, or public transport and an urban business locator for numerous countries around the world. Google Maps satellite images are not in real time; they are several years old. It’s a free service, all the world can use it.
There are a lot of other services refeared to this idea, for example Google Mars, google sky, google maps for mobile, etc.
GOOGLE BOOKS: Google Books is a service from Google that searches the full text of books that Google has scanned. So every person can access at this page and read his favourite book online.
GOOGLE EARTH: Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program that was originally called EarthViewer 3D. It is very similar to google maps.It shows the Earth with images obtained from a satellite in 3D. A lot of people use it every day to find the right way.
In conclusion, we can see that Google is a very rich and famous online company that has developed very much during the years and also has created a lot of new sub-services that every day become more famous. All the people in this world know and use this service daily.
I loved our presentation, me too i'm doing an oral on Google and this is perfect, not complicated! Thx!