divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010


Two weeks ago I met my good friend and classmate Aida at the weekend. We decided to watch a film that the philosophy teacher had suggested us some days before. It was the film “Memento” and I really have to say that it’s a very good film, very well-thought-out.
I really liked it because it is a very different film from the others and we had to think hard to understand everything, because some scenes were very difficult and complicated.
I say that it’s a different film because normally all the films have a history that at the beginning of the film shows the beginning of the history, and at the end of the film the end of the history. But “Memento” is in reverse order. There are two different sequences of scenes, a series in black-and-white that are shown chronologically, and a series of color sequences shown in reverse order. The two sequences "meet" at the end of the film, producing one common story. All the film goes backwards, so at the begining of the film we already know who is the killer, but during the film we discover how the protagonist discover this secret.
A problem is that the protagonist, Leonard, has amnesia and that he can’t remember the things happened to him the day before. So, it is very difficult to find the killer of his wife. To solve this problem he makes tattoos on his body, so that at the end of the film his body is full of it. And also he makes photos of all the things and at the back he writes somes notes refeared to the picture.
The argument is very difficult, so I think that to understand it better and to see all the little details, you have to watch it twice. But I think that it’s a very good film, I liked it a lot.

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