dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2010

NEWS: Prince William and Kate Widdleton announce their wedding

They will marry in 2011, coinciding with the 30th wedding anniversary of Prince Charles and Lady Di.

After an eight years relationship, the 18th of November, Prince William of England and Kate Middleton announced that they will marry.

The Royal British House reported on the morning the commitment of the older son of Charles of England and the second in line of succession of the Crown, and summoned to the press a brief meeting with the couple celebrated eight hours later.

The couple walked past the photographers very happy at their upcoming wedding which will be celebrated in spring or summer in 2011.

The wedding will coincide with the 30th anniversary of Prince Charles and Diana of Gales.

Prince William gave Kate the same ring which was wearing his mother: a ring designed by Garrard Joyeros with 14 little diamantes.


I’m very happy to hear this news, because I like it a lot when famous couples marry. Especially when it’s a couple of the Royal house, because almost always we can see it on television and always this types of wedding are very romantic and very traditional.

I’m also happy because now princes can marry who they like, I mean they can marry a “normal” woman, so it’s not necessary that it has to be a woman from a Royal house. I’m very happy for the two that finally they decided to marry.

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