diumenge, 6 de març del 2011

Takes she him back?

Instead of avoiding her ex who hits her, the singer Rihanna is searching again the nearness to Chris Brown!

He has humiliated her, threatened and beaten up. Two years have passed since Rihanna was brutally attacked by her boyfriend Chris Brown. Since the court order he had to keep 100 meters distance to her. But that it's what Rihanna no longer want! She has forgiven him and had now removed the court decreed contact ban.

But how can she allow such a man to enter another time in her life after all this happened? She said: "I don't hate Chris. I only want that he is OK." Some friend of Rihanna think that maybe there will be a love-comeback.

"I have never stopped to love her" said Chris Brown after he had beaten up her. Now he can return to her nearness.

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