dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

Oral presentation RESEARCH PROJECT



The evolution of hits and video-clips of the years 1985, 1995, and 2005.

Hi everybody, my name is Kim Fengler and today I am going to explain you in what my research project consists.


Well, the topic I have chosen to investigate about is English pop-rock music, so I decided to write about the history and developement of this music and the related video-clips in a given period.

Out of the last 30 years I have chosen to analyze three years, 1985, 1995 and 2005. From those three years I have chosen an English song that was on the highest chart position, each month in Germany. Firstly I wanted to choose the songs that were on the number one, but when I found the German charts from those years I realized that not all the songs that were on the number one were English songs. So I decided to choose the highest one, this means that some of the songs I have analyzed were on the second or third position.

It was easy for me to choose this topic because I like listening to music, especially English pop music. So it was interesting and funny to do this work. And the only reason why I have chosen the German charts is because I'm German and I thought it would be something different.


●So my objectives were to find out which songs were on the highest chart position of the three years and uploading them with their related video-clips on a blog I created.

●Then, another big objective was to search some theoretical information about the history of the pop-rock music in general and in Germany. Also I wanted to do a brief history of the evolution of the video-clip, because it is a very important suport for an artist to become more famous.

●The next objective was to write about one of the most important video-clips of the history, which is „Thriller“ by Michael Jackson.

●The following objective was to analyze all the thirty songs and the video-clips of the three years and find out if there were similarities and differences between them or not. From this point you can see a little bit how the music and the video-clips developed and changed over time.


At first, I started to search the German charts from the years 1985, 1995 and 2005. To find the songs from 2005 it was relatively easy, but from the years 1985 and 1995 it was more difficult, but finally I found it on the internet. At the end I had 31 songs to analyze, because some of them where two or three months on the highest chart position.

The next step was to find the video-clips of the songs, which I found on Youtube, and to upload them on my blog. So it would be easier to have them all together.

To do the theoretical part I used three or four books which I found in the library of Castelló and Figueras. To do the brief history about pop-rock music and about the video-clip I used these books, but some things like information about „Thriller“ and something about the three years, I have used some internet pages.

The next step was to analyze the songs and the video-clips. I did it following a song analysis chart, where I had to focus on some things like which is the topic, what is the meaning of the song, which instruments appear in it, etc. And on the video-clips I had to focus on how many singers were there, if there is a story at the background or not, how are the clothes, how are the settings, etc. All this things helped me later to do the comparation.

So, after I had analyzed all the thirty-one songs I started to write the similarities and differences between the songs in the same year and later between the three years.


●The most surprising conclusion I found after had analyzed all the songs and the video-clips is that most of the songs were love songs, but differend kinds of love. This means that in the topic there were not differences between the years.

●The next conclusions I found are that there are more similarities than differences between the songs of the same year, and more differences than similarities between the songs of the three years, how expected. So a big part of my project consists of explaining the similarities and differences following the song analysis chart, this means explaining every little thing about a song and the video-clip and compare it with another.

●The most important difference between the video-clips of the three years is that the image quality is better in the videos of 2005 than in 1985. But all the video-clips I have analyzed were modified by the computer.


I had not many problems doing the project, the only thing is that using the internet, sometimes there were negative consequences. For example when I was doing my blog and uploading all the video-clips, it was not easy to find the original videos on Youtube, because there are a lot of clips that are false. And when I finally found the original ones they were blocked by Youtube and I couldn't copy the embed. Or when I had some clips already uploaded on my blog, some weeks later I also couldn't watch them because they weren't uploaded any more on Youtube.

Now I would like to show you a video I made. It's a remix of some of the songs and the video-clips I have analyzed.


So, that's all, have you got any questions?

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