dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

-"The school years were very hard!".

Bullying is a form of abuse. It involves repeated acts over time attempting to create or enforce one person's power over another person. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target.
Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse: emotional, verbal and physical.

It can occur in any context in which human beings interact with each other. For example in schools, churches, family, workplaces, home and neighborhoods.

The most cases of bullying happen in schools. A lot of children are abused from their classmates because they don't wear "cool" clothes, have spots or are fat. But this happen not only to "normal" children, also famous and prominent people confess us that when they were children they suffered bullying attacks:

Christina Aguilera: Builled because of Disney!
Success makes lonely - that had Christina Aguilera early to learn because she had not many friends in school, because with only eight years she was a Disney star on TV. "She was bullyied or avoided" said an old classmate. "It was so bad that she often changed the class".

Beaten up on the toilet!
At school, the Rapper had not much to laugh. One day at the highschool, a classmate pushed him so violenty against a urinal that Eminem lied five days in Coma! "I thought he will die!" said his mother.

na: Stress because of her skin colour!
Simply because she had a lighter teint than the others, Rihanna had been an outsider. "In the first six school years it was very hard", said the singer.

Tom Cruise: He was the class-nerd!
No friends and bad school notes: Also for Tom Cruise the adolescence was the pure horror! The actor said: "I always was an outsider. Or I had the wrong shoes on, or they mock me because I had a disability to read and often failed exams".

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