diumenge, 6 de març del 2011





PODCAST: Description of a person

Takes she him back?

Instead of avoiding her ex who hits her, the singer Rihanna is searching again the nearness to Chris Brown!

He has humiliated her, threatened and beaten up. Two years have passed since Rihanna was brutally attacked by her boyfriend Chris Brown. Since the court order he had to keep 100 meters distance to her. But that it's what Rihanna no longer want! She has forgiven him and had now removed the court decreed contact ban.

But how can she allow such a man to enter another time in her life after all this happened? She said: "I don't hate Chris. I only want that he is OK." Some friend of Rihanna think that maybe there will be a love-comeback.

"I have never stopped to love her" said Chris Brown after he had beaten up her. Now he can return to her nearness.

110 km/h

The Goverment of Spain has recently adopted a package of energy measures. One of them is reducing the maximum speed limit on highways and motorways, insted of 120 km/h the vehicles can now "only" go on 110 km/h.
The goal of this reduction is fuel in the short term required by the oil crisis in nord Africa.

The Goverment has indicated that this is a temporary measure and will enter into force on the 7th of March, so they have to change urgently all the road signs that mark as a speed limit of 120 km/h.

Putting into operation this measure, the Spanish Goverment believes that there will be savings of 15% in fuel and 11% in diesel.

The iPad 2.


The Taiwanese supplier of Apple say that it wouldn't repeat the supply shortfall of the iPad this year. They say that approximatley they can produce 40 million units until the end of the year. In the month of March they want to deliver 3 million iPad 2. Is that enough? With certainly, no one can answer this question. But when you consider that the first iPad took 60 days to be discontinued as many units, there will be more than 3 million copies of the iPad 2, enough for the March.
On the 11th of March the iPad 2 will come out on the American market.
And finally, on the 25th of March, the iPad 2 will arrive in many countries of Europe. Until then, the production already will be increased a lot. Between April and June 12 million units will be produced. In the second half of the year the production increases again to 24 million.

For the buyers of the iPads of the first generation, there is a possibility that they get a discount of 120 euros. At least when it was bought 14 days before the presentation of the new model. In the USA the action is already running. It's quite possible that this discount will arrive at our country, but plans to start this campaign in other countries are not yet known.

dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

Oral presentation RESEARCH PROJECT



The evolution of hits and video-clips of the years 1985, 1995, and 2005.

Hi everybody, my name is Kim Fengler and today I am going to explain you in what my research project consists.


Well, the topic I have chosen to investigate about is English pop-rock music, so I decided to write about the history and developement of this music and the related video-clips in a given period.

Out of the last 30 years I have chosen to analyze three years, 1985, 1995 and 2005. From those three years I have chosen an English song that was on the highest chart position, each month in Germany. Firstly I wanted to choose the songs that were on the number one, but when I found the German charts from those years I realized that not all the songs that were on the number one were English songs. So I decided to choose the highest one, this means that some of the songs I have analyzed were on the second or third position.

It was easy for me to choose this topic because I like listening to music, especially English pop music. So it was interesting and funny to do this work. And the only reason why I have chosen the German charts is because I'm German and I thought it would be something different.


●So my objectives were to find out which songs were on the highest chart position of the three years and uploading them with their related video-clips on a blog I created.

●Then, another big objective was to search some theoretical information about the history of the pop-rock music in general and in Germany. Also I wanted to do a brief history of the evolution of the video-clip, because it is a very important suport for an artist to become more famous.

●The next objective was to write about one of the most important video-clips of the history, which is „Thriller“ by Michael Jackson.

●The following objective was to analyze all the thirty songs and the video-clips of the three years and find out if there were similarities and differences between them or not. From this point you can see a little bit how the music and the video-clips developed and changed over time.


At first, I started to search the German charts from the years 1985, 1995 and 2005. To find the songs from 2005 it was relatively easy, but from the years 1985 and 1995 it was more difficult, but finally I found it on the internet. At the end I had 31 songs to analyze, because some of them where two or three months on the highest chart position.

The next step was to find the video-clips of the songs, which I found on Youtube, and to upload them on my blog. So it would be easier to have them all together.

To do the theoretical part I used three or four books which I found in the library of Castelló and Figueras. To do the brief history about pop-rock music and about the video-clip I used these books, but some things like information about „Thriller“ and something about the three years, I have used some internet pages.

The next step was to analyze the songs and the video-clips. I did it following a song analysis chart, where I had to focus on some things like which is the topic, what is the meaning of the song, which instruments appear in it, etc. And on the video-clips I had to focus on how many singers were there, if there is a story at the background or not, how are the clothes, how are the settings, etc. All this things helped me later to do the comparation.

So, after I had analyzed all the thirty-one songs I started to write the similarities and differences between the songs in the same year and later between the three years.


●The most surprising conclusion I found after had analyzed all the songs and the video-clips is that most of the songs were love songs, but differend kinds of love. This means that in the topic there were not differences between the years.

●The next conclusions I found are that there are more similarities than differences between the songs of the same year, and more differences than similarities between the songs of the three years, how expected. So a big part of my project consists of explaining the similarities and differences following the song analysis chart, this means explaining every little thing about a song and the video-clip and compare it with another.

●The most important difference between the video-clips of the three years is that the image quality is better in the videos of 2005 than in 1985. But all the video-clips I have analyzed were modified by the computer.


I had not many problems doing the project, the only thing is that using the internet, sometimes there were negative consequences. For example when I was doing my blog and uploading all the video-clips, it was not easy to find the original videos on Youtube, because there are a lot of clips that are false. And when I finally found the original ones they were blocked by Youtube and I couldn't copy the embed. Or when I had some clips already uploaded on my blog, some weeks later I also couldn't watch them because they weren't uploaded any more on Youtube.

Now I would like to show you a video I made. It's a remix of some of the songs and the video-clips I have analyzed.


So, that's all, have you got any questions?

-"The school years were very hard!".

Bullying is a form of abuse. It involves repeated acts over time attempting to create or enforce one person's power over another person. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target.
Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse: emotional, verbal and physical.

It can occur in any context in which human beings interact with each other. For example in schools, churches, family, workplaces, home and neighborhoods.

The most cases of bullying happen in schools. A lot of children are abused from their classmates because they don't wear "cool" clothes, have spots or are fat. But this happen not only to "normal" children, also famous and prominent people confess us that when they were children they suffered bullying attacks:

Christina Aguilera: Builled because of Disney!
Success makes lonely - that had Christina Aguilera early to learn because she had not many friends in school, because with only eight years she was a Disney star on TV. "She was bullyied or avoided" said an old classmate. "It was so bad that she often changed the class".

Beaten up on the toilet!
At school, the Rapper had not much to laugh. One day at the highschool, a classmate pushed him so violenty against a urinal that Eminem lied five days in Coma! "I thought he will die!" said his mother.

na: Stress because of her skin colour!
Simply because she had a lighter teint than the others, Rihanna had been an outsider. "In the first six school years it was very hard", said the singer.

Tom Cruise: He was the class-nerd!
No friends and bad school notes: Also for Tom Cruise the adolescence was the pure horror! The actor said: "I always was an outsider. Or I had the wrong shoes on, or they mock me because I had a disability to read and often failed exams".

White week.

This year we had one week holidays in february. My little sister and I decided to make use of these days and travel abroad for have a rest of the last hard weeks in school. We wanted to visit our family that lives in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. So we booked our flight some weeks ago.

The day of our little travel arrived and we flew from Girona to Frankfurt Hahn, which is a city near Frankfurt am Main. My sister decided to visit her friend before, who lives in Düsseldorf, so she took a bus in destination of that city and I took the one which drove to Franfurt am Main. It
was a little nit scary because it was the first time that I went there and in some moments I felt a little bit lost. Also I was worried about my little sister, who also travelled for her first time alone. But everything went alright!

I passed some very beautiful days in Frankfurt, I think it's a very beautiful city.
My cousin showed me some nice places of the city, so we did a little bit of sightseeing. Then also we went shopping in a very big shopping center and also in some little shops in little streets. One thing I really like of this city is that there are a lot of little cafès in the streets which have an original look and were very cute and homely equipped. There were a lot arranged in the 70s and 80s style.

Some days later, my sister arrived from Düsseldorf, so we did another sightseeing tour to show her a little bit from the city. And of course we went shopping another time!
Also we went in a museum of modern art where different artists showed their works. There was a section of photographies which I liked a lot, but other parts of the exposition I found them boring because I think that modern art is very simple and because some works are difficult to understand.

The next day we went to visit the Goethe University, which is a very big and beautiful university in Frankfurt. My cousin and I were very interested in it because we two are going to study the next year. I found the university very beautiful, it was very clean and well-kept, and the campus is wonderful!

So we stayed five days in Germany and they passed very fast. My sister and I did not want to return and if we could we have stayed five days more. We are looking forward to travel another time to Frankfurt as soon as possible.

divendres, 4 de març del 2011

The triumph year for Natalie Portman

2011 is the big year of the wonderful Natalie Portman: the Oscar for best actress for her role in "Black Swan" is the culmination of a successful year for the 29-years-old actress. Not only the award for her role as a paranoid ballerina is one of them. The actress is also seen this year in more movies than ever in the cinemas. And also, Natalie is pregnant from ballet dancer Benjamin Millepied, who is the choreographer of "Black Swan".

"I think I'm a little late" said Natalie Portman a few years ago, when she "only did one film each year" while many other actresses of her generation "already made more than 40 films" and while she finished her psycology graduate at Harvard University. But these days are over!

The greatest success in this case is the dark ballet drama "Black Swan" which is running in the cinemas since January of 2011. The portrait of the ambitious dancer who discovered her dark side struggling for the lead role in "swan lake", also Portman received, not only the Oscar, a Golden Globe and numerous American critics awards. In her acceptance speech at the Oscars, the young pregnant actress thanked especially her fiance "my beautiful love Benjamin Millepied, who now gives me the best role of my life!".

But there is less drama in "No Strings Attached" than in "Black Swan", a film that is running in the cinemas since February 2011, where Natalie Portman plays the role as Emma, a career-fixated doctor who has a sex-affair with her acquaintance Adam (Ashton Kutcher). But suddenly there come up emotions between them.

After the exhausting filming in the recent years and numerous film starts in 2011, Natalie announced that she is pregnant and that she is going to take a break. The 29-years-old actress told to the magazine "Entertainment Weekly": "Oh God, people will soon have enough of my face, therefore I'll stay away for a while, I promise". Also on the red carpet of the 83rd Academy Awards, Portman said that all the excitement of the awards season is too much for her. "I believe that all women who are here today, are looking forward to be at home with their jogging suits and without make-up" says the actress. "This is the greatest luxury of all!".